One Life

In the dead of night Walker got out of bed and pulled the sheets back over his wife. He kissed her on the forehead and left the room. On his journey to the front door memories filled his mind. All of the good times and memories made with Sasha brought tears to his eyes. As he left the house he turned around he thought,” Goodbye Sasha. I may never return. I can’t let my life ruin yours. I shouldn’t of swindled the mafia. I better leave.”

Closing the car door, Walker started the engine and headed towards the docks where he planned to negotiate with the mafia. He planned to give back the money in return for Sasha’s life. Asking for his own life seemed selfish. Walker knew how the mafia worked. They punished loved ones, not just the individual.

Walker, blurred eye, struggled to see in front of him. Unable to hold the tears back he pulled over and thought,”What have I done? Why did I do this? Maybe they will spare me as well? I doubt it. I might as well come to terms with my fate now.”

Full of sorrow, he got out of his car and made his way into the storage building. First a flash of light then pain. Laying on the ground he could see a dark figure crouched by the case and examining the money. Faintly he could hear a muffled voice say,” You’re a lucky one you. The boss seemed to be in a good mood. Consider your debt paid. Learn from this pain.”

“His eyes! He’s waking up!” Sasha screamed. As Walker opened his eyes he was blinded by a sudden burst of light. His eyes adjusted and could see that he was in a hospital. “What happened?” Walker said in a dazed voice.

“You got shot. You’re lucky to be alive.”

“Who are you?”

“I’m your nurse. You’ve been in a coma for almost two weeks.”

“Where’s my…” he stopped staring in awe as he saw Sasha standing over him unable to control her tears.

“I thought I had lost you!” sadness behind every word.

“I’m sorry. I made a mistake and got in this situation. It’s time to change myself.”

“Please, don’t leave again.”

“I won’t. I promise.”

“I love you.”

“I love you too.”

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