Submitted by Chloe Flora

Your character is working remotely in a cosy bakery, tucked in the corner with a warm drink and their laptop. Describe the feeling they have.

Try to utilise as many senses as you can to fully immerse the reader in your character's experience.

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There’s nothing quite like being alone in a room full of people! Close enough to hear the conversations. Close enough to see the eye contact between the flirting workers on their break. And most importantly far enough away to retreat to my corner like a pangolin covering itself from a predator!

I still feel kind of anxious and a bit of a fraud though. I guess that imposter syndrome my therapist bangs on about is kicking in again. I always wanted to be that cool, aloof writer who frequents public places for inspiration but the only moment of inspiration I had was choosing the macchiato instead of my normal double espresso to go with my croissant.

It’s nearly lunchtime and I’m facing my daily dilemma; do I vacate my prime spot for one of the busying crowd or do I stay here defiantly even though my croissant is a distant memory and a sprinkling of that weird chocolate is the only thing that remains from my coffee. Over the last 14 days I’ve been doing this I’ve caved in and left 10 times and stayed 4! Well today I’ve decided to be brave and a little bit selfish: I’m staying.

Shit! Shit! He’s coming towards me! He wasn’t supposed to be here. “Oli! You’ve made a big mistake coming here. The car is ready for you outside.” The inconspicuously dressed man whispered to me. How did he know I would be here? Two weeks I’d avoided them all but now it all seems it was for nothing!

As I slowly reached for my laptop a message pinged on the screen…’a bird in the hand is worth 2 in the ____’. It was her. I turned my attention to the side window of the bakery and there, obscured by a raggedy old bush was the one person who could make everything right again.

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