
Sometimes I think

About the things I wish

I’d already achieved

Having a house

Renting or owning

I was never picky

But I know that’s a reality

That will never come

Not in our economy.

Having a successful career

Or at least doing a job I liked

But I have never experienced either

Working to simply get by

Never anything to be passionate about.

Having a bank account full of savings

Thousands on retainer

Just in case I lost my job again

Like when the first pandemic happened

But it is a struggle to simply survive

Let alone try and save.

Having that one person to come home to

Who always made me feel safe

Who I could trust everything with

But after years of closing my heart off

I don’t know how to be that vulnerable.

It’s hard not to look around

And compare myself to others

But deep down

I wonder

If maybe everyone else

Feels the same way too

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