It is the end of a very eventful school year and you have to give a speech at the prom.

Write a dramatic, exciting speech with interesting anecdotes. What can make this peice of writing stand out?

Another Year

My name gets called to approach the podium.

Applause fills the gymnasium as I rise and begin walking towards the stage.

I take my place behind the microphone.

I look around and see the faces of my peers, eagerly awaiting what I have to say.

The teachers stand on the perimeter, monitoring the stewing chaos.

I breathe in deeply, and say to myself in a whisper,

“Here we go.”

Class of 2009?!?

We made it.

Whatever that’s supposed to mean.

To be honest, I always found speeches to be a bit generic and boring. Unless you reference the ones seen in movies. But life is not like the movies, and that’s probably for the best.

You see, in the movies, characters interact and overcome some type of obstacle that they can later celebrate together. But what movies fail to mention, or even suggest, is that life goes on beyond the context of that movie. And things are always bound to change.

So for instance, we all overcame “high school” and that’s something we can certainly be proud of. But let’s face it, some of us will go onto post secondary education… some of us may join the workforce immediately… others will travel. But one thing is for certain.

We will all go our separate ways, and be faced with a whole new set of obstacles. And one thing is definitely for certain, none of us will be in it together.

Sure, we’ll keep in contact through social media, and it’s possible some of the stronger friendships will last. But as time drags on, we will see each other less and less.

Some may get married, others may fall victim to drugs and alcohol. And the odd person may travel abroad, never to return.

The sad truth is that very few of us will remain here. Because there is still so much life to be lived. So many people to meet. And so many places to explore.

I always thought at the end of this year, I would have it all figured out. My goal was to establish a plan, and stick to it. But as this day has now approached, I’ve come to realize that the bigger things in life simply cannot be planned. You can only train yourself day by day, and approach every situation with the best of intentions.

There’s no point in focusing on what the “right” decision is, because no one ever lived their best life by getting lucky in choosing all of the “right” paths.

But when the time does come, you should make that decision. And be okay with the consequences.

For better or for worse.

But just remember, at least you made the decision to make a decision.

Everyone makes mistakes, and that will never change.

So absorb and appreciate the current moment that we are sharing. Because it is literally the last thing we will experience together, as a collective. And I guess that is what makes this night particularly special.

A few years from now, we may reminisce of this night to our new found friends in our respective places in life.

A decade from now the details of this night will have faded to a quick conversation.

And a quarter of a century from now, it may simply be forgotten.

When our grand children ask us of the time we graduated high school, we will struggle and long for the memories of this night.

By that point, some of us may even be gone from this Earth.

In the end, nothing matters.

But in this current moment, all that matters is the present.

So cherish it.

We will never get a second chance to be here.

So make the most of it.

Bad decisions? Good decision?

Whatever it is, make a choice.

And make that choice because it is what YOU want.

Don’t bother worrying about what others think.

A few years from now, they will simply be people of the past.

Make a memory.

Create a story.

You’re the author of this moment.

Make it a classic, or simply absurd.

Do it for the listeners of future stories you will tell.

But more importantly, do it for yourself.

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