Push-Pull Rhythms
Everyday I wake up and the sun rotates the entire way around the Earth just to say hi to me
And on days I’m stricken with insomnia the moon stays up just to keep me company
The sky is a canvas of blue that changes colors each day to suit the paint in its canvas
Black at night to let the stars shimmer brilliantly like gemstone piercings on the velvet fabric of reality
Shades of every color to let the sun eminate its brilliance with a backdrop to match it, a rug rolled out with all the glory of a king walking a parade during an orchestra of trumpets and cheers
Each and every day, these things are promised to me
They show me I can be the same
I can embody the wonders of what I’m surrounded with and engrave them into my circadian rhythm
So my heart beats with the same push pull tandem of the sun and moon
Every day is a new beggining
And new promise from the sun and moon
That beauty is inherit in nature
That I am apart of the very nature I speak of