Your character is experiencing a moment of realisation surrounding their identity and their place in the world. Write a poem about how they feel in this moment.
When The Realizations Sets In.
I cast a glare across the room once more to scan for his face. He is the one in which want to spend my life with. I find my peace in him, my comfort. As I lock my eyes on his face, I realize. He’s looking at her. It will never be me, it will always be her. Who can blame him? She’s effortlessly perfect. Upturned button nose, blue eyes topped with long eyelashes, round and full lips, and don’t forget her blonde hair that falls perfectly off of her shoulders as it’s tucked behind her ears. Her body as perfect as they come. My eyes glisten and I can’t stop. The tears are making my eyes blurry. My nose is runny, yet stuffy at the same time. I don’t even realize but my hand is floating upwards and my arm below is following. I ask with a heavily coated voice “may I go to the restroom?” All eyes are on me now and that makes it worse. My eyes leak the flooded mess that has collected in them now. I rush out of the room holding my hoodie sleeve above my eyes. As I’m walking out I hear little giggles and laughs. I realize now that the whole time It was a joke. I was the joke. I am the joke.