Describe a character's physical appearance through the eyes of someone who feels intense jealousy for them.

How accurate would the description be when tainted by strong emotion?


As he sits quietly alone in the full but empty field

Ignoring and non feeling, moving but still to yield

Watching the small dots, appear on the ground

Green and yellow shirts, cheering all around

Never was any good at sports, or even a pun

Boring was my middle name, never any fun

The team captain, with his non thinking empty head

Been in school with him, since small kid he truely said

Teasing and pulling, of my capless tangled loose hair

Trying to protect myself was a no, now he will beware

My once slow heart beat, comes alive when he is around

It knows when evil and negativity, making a sound

His perfect voice and never out of place hair, he always gloats

Gets what he wants and never gives back, and he hates goats

Little did he know, what has been going on in my boring life

I landed a president job, of this school and have a great wife

His name is called, up to the decorated stage with a grin

It seems that an award was to be given, payback is to begin

Another name is called, the same as mine as I meet him on stage

Hello ole classmate, thanks for my plaque you don’t look your age

As he jumpes around, with his own psycho inner dance

The crown is bored and empties out, no more to enhance

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