Le Chateau De Gruyères

The small castle’s light-gray walls and their conic brown rooves contrasted with the luxuriant green of the trees and bushes around it. The whole place itself was surrounded by towering mountains of snow-white peaks. Despite being Spring in the Kingdom of Helvetia, the highest mountains would never really lose their snowy hats. The sun shining on the immaculate blankets could hurt the eyes of a common mortal. Only a werewolf would never look at this peace-inspiring landscape during the day. But Luvinus didn’t need to see it during the day to feel the harmony exuding from each leaf, each branch, each flower. He had not been in peace for a very long time, in fact maybe ever since he had been transformed. Inhaling such clean air filled him with joy, especially after spending so long in the warlike Kingdom of Francia.

That was Le Chateau de Gruyères, home of the Skollian Alpha, Nicolaus. Luvinus had not met him yet but from all that harmony, he didn’t take long to realise he’d be before a completely different lineage to his own, the Hatians, who thirsted for nothing but blood and violence. It was a simple castle, reflective perhaps of the little this new lineage worried about riches or worldly luxuries.

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