
“Tell me what you mean,” Ben was no longer laughing.

Annoyance was clear in Annabelle’s tone, “Ben, I know you’re scared, but we seriously need to go. They’ll be here at any moment.”

“Who? The cops?” He laughed quietly to himself, thinking of the insanity of this moment, “Maybe I should hand you over to them? I mean, how do I know you won’t kill me next? How do I know you’re not insane?”

Annabelle rolled her eyes at him, “Why would I kill you? It’s not like she didn’t deserve it.”

Ben didn’t move an inch, “I’m not going, not with anyone, and especially not with you.”

“Really, Ben, after everything we’ve been through? You’ll abandon me when I need you?” She laughed, and insane glint coming into her eyes, “And I thought you loved me,” more insane laughing until she was doubled over, “I should’ve known you’d be like all the other guys.”

“What do you mean ‘other guys’?” Ben backed up a step, “I thought I was you’re only boyfriend.”

“You’re my only living boyfriend,” Ben’s eyes widened, understanding what she meant, “Yes, Ben, I killed them. And if you don’t wanna end up with your remains spread through the Pacific Ocean with the rest of them then I’d suggest you go and get a bag.”

Ben could hear car tires pull into the driveway outside, he had to stall, “Where are we going then?”

Annabelle smiled, obviously pleased with his choice, “Maybe Australia, maybe Europe, I’m not sure yet.”

“What should I pack? Cold or warm stuff or for how long as well?”

“A little of everything, probably for about a week.”

Ben could hear the cops’ footsteps on the porch. So could Annabelle.

“Oh Ben, how cute, you thought you could stall? I may be a bit crazy but I’m not a fool.” Her voice was full of crazed sweetness that scared Ben more than the knife in her hand.

She flung the blade and it skimmed the side of Ben’s left arm. He winced, trying not to scream as he felt the hot blood trickle down his arm. He moved, trying to grab the knife, hoping she would hesitate when she saw he had the weapon.

But before Ben could grab the blade, Annabelle tackled him, pinning him to the ground, “I hoped it wouldn’t have to end this way Ben, I really had started to like you.”

And then she closed off his windpipe.

Ben could feel the life draining out of him as his lungs tried to pull in air.

He was starting to see spots when the police bust through the door.

They pulled Annabelle off him and cuffed her.

After a few questions they slammed Annabelle into the back seat and drive away.

That night Ben went home and cried the better part of the night.

He vowed to never trust someone again. He vowed he wouldn’t fall in love. Not with Annabelle. Not with anyone.

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