Shattered Peace

Hope is the bridge between joy and despair . The bridge above a restless river full of denial with ripple of potential appearing for a moment , as regrets form into a bolder pressing down in the ground with a great pound.

Down the river you go to seek forgiveness as great legends say take a second to throw a coin to secure a wish , behold the clear waters that cleanse your soul giving you control to set your goal to the bridge of choice to rejoice to the path of destiny .

As we shelter the suffering and carry on through the day , we tackle each passing moment with a smile on our face , a fake emotion we wear as a mask to complete every task without anyone stopping to ask if we’re ok .

But the broken can’t be fixed unless you fuese it with gold at least that’s what I was told .

You see these people turned broken pottery into an art embracing the cracks everything that it once lacks is now considered a valuable piece to be sold . The broken fragments were paired with gold to face each moment by being bold to stop hiding our imperfections as there truly what make us unique .

Each crack tells a story of a life lived each battle , each emotion that rattled our mind not all of them were kind . Remember it’s not the scars that define us ; but the resilience to bounce back and attack to find the strength to overcome each negative emotion . To find the light through the flaws , to not live in the jaws of a beast waiting to feast consuming your happiness and leave you with stress and regret to make you forget about the power you hold .


The art of kintsugi that I weaved into the poem reflect the journey of embracing your flaws like the feeling of being broken sometime controls our life .

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