If You Had My Heart

If you had my heart within your hand,

A precious gift, a love so grand.

Would you hold it gently, with tender care,

Or let it wander, freely in the air?

Would you listen to its whispers, soft and true,

And let its love wash over you?

Would you protect it from any harm,

And keep it safe, like a soothing balm?

If you had my heart, would you understand,

The depths of love that it commands?

Would you cherish its beats, its rhythm and rhyme,

And keep it safe throughout all time?

Or would you play with it, like a playful child,

Tugging at its strings, driving it wild?

Would you explore its depths, its every part,

And let it guide you, heart to heart?

If you had my heart, my dearest friend,

I'd trust you to care for it, to the end.

To hold it gently, with love and grace,

And let it shine, in its own unique space.

For a heart is a precious thing indeed,

A vessel of love, a seed to feed.

So if you had my heart, my dear,

I'd hope you'd hold it close and near.

With love and tenderness, you'd embrace,

The beauty of my heart, its every trace.

So if you had my heart, would you keep it safe forever more or break it till it is no more?

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