You wake up in the back seat of a car, not knowing where you are or where you're going. How does the story unfold...?

You don't have to write a horror/crime story, but think about what events could realistically have lead to this scenario.

The Lost Son

“Mom who is she?” I asked without taking my eyes off her. We were in the woods to collect broken branches from last nights storm.

“ quiet”, mom said in a low and worrying tone,not to get her attention I supposed. It was the first time I saw her, she looked lost. Dressed in a proper attire with a bag in her hand as if ready to meet someone in an instant. Her face was covered in a white cloth in a shape that confused me in which direction she was heading unless I saw her hands.

We started back home with the woods. After arriving, I again asked my mom, “what was the lady doing there in the woods?”.

“It has been six years since she has been searching for her son. She believes that her son got lost in portal wars. Nobody knows what and when a portal if ever existed on earth, we read it in books or TV. But she believes that her son got involved in portal wars and the portal to the other world collapsed and her son is somewhere trapped in between the portals. The bag she is carrying contains the Key to open the portal.”

Sighing, my mom stopped and gazed straight ahead, “I hope she finds her son no matter where he is”, she said without blinking. I can imagine she does not want the same happen to me, to get lost.

“And why is she wearing that cloth?”

“She thinks her son was part of clan from a remote planet who identified themselves with a white cloth wrapped around the head. She wants to ready as soon as the portal opens and she can travel to the clans planet”, she said.

“When do you think the portal will open again?” I asked even if It exists in books or TV.

“Son there are many mysteries in our universe that we will never be able to solve them in our lifetime. I do believe that one day humanity will unlock the mysteries of universe, but for now lets hope the lady in the dress finds her son, even if if means unlocking the door of a portal.”

I was almost half asleep by the time my mom finished her last sentence. She carried me in her arms and I closed my eyes feeling the warmth of her body.

I don’t remember how long I slept, but I got awaken by a bright light above my head. Then I heard the voice on the other side of the light calling my name, “Sam I am waiting for you”.

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