The Little Comforts

“So I can breathe” the boys harmonized,

“Holy shit!” Will exclaimed, “we got it!” boys hugged and when they pulled apart they stared at each other for a little too long. Then with out warning, Aaron kissed Will. Will’s hand moved up to Aaron’s cheek before Aaron’ pulled away asking “is this ok? Are you ok with this?” Will chuckled before meeting Aaron’s lips again, briefly moving away to whisper “yes.”

The boys were never the same after that. Aaron came out as Bisexual, Will helped Aaron through his transition having already come out as gay.

They became spectacles in there small town, people could ignore Will’s queerness when he wasn’t with anybody, the most stereotypical “gay” thing about him was his clothing, bright and hip. But now, with Aaron and Will together, well people found it much harder to ignore.

They finally moved away together, recording their first album. It went insane! People loved it, the entire album was their love story about growing up in a small conservative town as two queer boys.

They created a safe place for people. All of the seats at their concerts were beanbags and they were loved by so many. But not all.

The boys also underwent much hate, protests outside their comforting shows. Homophobic signs outside their venues. Hate mail coming to their houses. It got to a place where they were in danger. So they stoped recording songs, they had no more shows and they laid low.

But, sometimes, if you’re in the right place at the right time you will see two old men, one with bright green hair, one holding a blue guitar. Both singing in perfect harmony despite their age. And they sing a song of the quiet life, feeling comfort while being cradled in their lovers arms.

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