Write a story about two people who hate each other discovering one important common interest that they share.

Think about how you can use this event to tell us something about these characters' personalities or lives.

Hate To Know You

“Picture me this I walk in to campus, and hunt down that dickhead” I say grabbing my bag while maintaining a glare on her. “No, Picture me this you walk into campus and you hunt down the office so you can get your room” My bestie Maria says, I groan grabbing her shoulders “why do I have to go to the university your ex-boyfriend is gonna live the past 4 years with me” she chuckles “You don’t even know what he looks like” I chuckle “but I know his name” she clears her throat. “Right” she moves her gaze forward. “You won’t meet him anyways” she chuckles opening the door for me and undoing my seatbelt. “What makes you so sure?” I smirk and she returns one.

“Because you’re too scared to start a conversation” she throws me a kiss before leaving.

I roll my eyes grabbing a hold of my bag looking up towards my next home for the next four years.

“Please god. I don’t pray much, but get me laid, I need some stress relief. They says semen works as an antidepressant and I definitely need some of that” I mumbled to myself and I couldn’t help but hear a chuckle next to me.

“If that’s what you’re coming for here, I’d be happy to help” The boy said before winking and passing by me.

“Hey! Wait! Just pretend you didn’t hear that!” I run after him as he walked pretty fast. “I’ll think about it princess” he chuckles, I began running out of breath. “slow down a moment” I complained “I can’t love I have to get to the office before they close” He smiles down to me before opening the door for me. “I’d be happy to talk it to you after” his shows his middle fingers a suspicious in motion. I walk in trying to hide my warm face.

“Hello, how may I help you guys” The woman in the front desk asks “I need my room” he says and she looks at me “how about you darling?” I nod “same thing” I shyly spoke . This is why I usually drag my mom or Maria everywhere.

“Could I have your student numbers?” She asks typing away on her keyboard “0237” he says and she nods “you room would be boys hall A floor 3 room 10” she nods quickly printing his hard before looking at me “0913” She types away before furrowing her eyebrows. “Let me make a call real quick honey” she says putting her finger up.

“Did you pay for your room” he chuckles and I nod my heart racing “yes..?” I say the lady clears her throat “hello yes David? This is Samantha how are you? “ she greets “I’m good, I have a situation where I have a mixed room- yes in fact the boy just came to get his room card too” I look up to him mirroring each others expression.

“Alright thank you sweetie take care” she hangs up and looks at us “so rooms are first come first serve and as you know only two per room” She then prints my card. “Last room available is on the males hall, and would be shared with the gentleman next to you. Due to inconvenience, we can offer full coverage of the books for the next four years or refund your money and see if you find something to Live more comfortably In the area” I look up to the guy and he shrugs “I would rather get free books” decision was pretty much obvious already.

I didn’t mind living with one more boy for the next year, although with the amount of boy siblings I have . It’s would have been nice to be the next four years living without one.

After that the walk towards the room was pretty quiet, and much slower. We even picked out our rooms without saying which one we wanted.

“I won’t be here tonight, I promised my best friend I was going to his party. If I do come by, don’t be surprised if you hear banging” I raise my eyebrow at him “Is there weed?” I ask raising my eyebrow which he returns “yeah?” I nod standing up from the couch turning the TV off. “I’ll be joining you then”

And we went- after a few drinks, everything led up to what he described previously. Now we laid in bed, looking at the ceiling after hearing eachother’s name the morning after.

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