Planet Cat
Starting its tiny new life, on solid ground of earth
The parents couldn’t decide, where to give birth
The two choices of the time, was the land or the sea
Little was even known, about the sky above to be
Shapeless puffy clouds and the daily sun, is all they saw
Rain and cold wet snow, covered the cold families paw
It was then decided this weather, is just to much to face
Given the third choice and with some others, we are off to space
Egg like capsules hung in the air, ready to fill up and go off and fly
There was one left for a single of one, alone I really wonder why
Silently following the other yoke in the sky, my egg started to crack
I had a sinking feeling, that me and my egg was not coming back
The blast of uncertain space air, sent my fur rise up in a fight
I wasn’t here alone lost by myself I purred, the moon so very bright
Off to the new unknown planets, in the atmosphere of my life of cat
Twitching my striped tiger like tail, I will be fine I purred just like that