Cultists To TacoBell.

Mom said that she and dad were kidnapped by a group of people. Almost died!

I got curious, obviously. So I decided to search up the case. Back in ‘95. What came up was….nothing short of interesting.

The article I found was a bit old and debatably controversial.

‘A couple, Sandra Landen and Mathew Reed, went on an evening walk to the movie theater. On the way there witnesses stated that a group of three, two men and one woman, approached the couple. Posing as Mormons. A bit odd considering they were on a walk. The young couple were pushed in the side of a car. A red van. When completely pushed into the car it sped away, leaving no trace. Except for a witness. The case is still new, we will search for more and share more information.’

Hmm….not too informative, but considering that it was created in ‘95 I’ll let it slide.

After a few minutes of searching on google, typing a combination of words like “ ‘95 couple get abducted by cult.”, “cult that abducted couple ‘95.” I got the rough sketch, summary of what had happened to my parents.

Basically, this cult worships nothing. They believe in nihilism, they though that whatever you did in life was inevitably meaningless. You could do anything, life to the fullest but that wouldn’t matter. They believed in nothing, no god, no hope, no good, no bad.

No morals or religion.

That didn’t mean that they did crazy stuff. They just thought that, they just talked about it.

I….I kind of agree. I always thought that it didn’t matter if I did my work or not!

Surprisingly, they were very, very open on their feelings for….TacoBell? Wow..uh okay. Yeah, I like TacoBell too! But I’m not a hard shell taco guy- how did it come to this?

I-I’m agreeing with cultists? They kidnapped my parents! And what does TacoBell have to do with this? Why did the journalist include this? I’m done with searching these things up.

I’m going back to ordering TacoBell and I’m going to resume cringing at 90 Day Fiancé.

…while the person of the kidnapped couple was chilling on the weekend. They forgot to close the article on the cultists idea, hmm. There was no TacoBell, only-….flesh of..

The computer was closed, the owner finally remembering that they didn’t want the battery life to drain.

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