Submitted by Makyla

'A sprinkle of pixie dust, a five letter word, and a little bit of hope can change your whole life. At least it did mine...'


A sprinkle of dust, a five letter word, and a little bit of hope can change your whole life. At least, it did mine. I knew who I wanted to be, what I wanted to become at a young age. The movies. Sitting on the Hollywood sign, waving to the cameras. That was the life meant and made for me. I tried auditions when I was young but they didn’t see in my what I saw in myself - what I knew was there. So I took matters into my own hands. All it took was the party favor offered to me at my first party: that really changed me into my highest self. I never lost hope. And my competition…well, there’s nothing death - that silly, five letter word - can’t help you achieve.

I went down in history as one of the greatest of all time. No one knew the sacrifices that were made.

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