After a bad breakup, the main character finds a phone number offering a free fortune telling to those down on their luck. They decide to call.
Kamala The Fortune Teller
A movement caught my eye. I turned down to see a small piece of paper blowing down the street. I always used to pick up garbage on the street, I care about the environment. I decided not to this time. After my break up with Anna, I felt like I was losing myself. Then I turned around again, deciding to pick up the paper after all. I couldn’t let my heartbreak change every standard I held myself to.
After picking up the piece of paper, I realized it was a phone number.
“What is this?” I whispered to myself.
It read ‘Call for a fortune and turn your luck.’ This could be it, I thought to myself. I could win back Anna.
“Hello? This is Madam Kamala the fortune teller. How can I help you?”
“Uh..hi. This is Owen. I found your paper that said to call if I was having bad luck,” I said reluctantly.
“Hello, Owen. Of course I can help you. I’m glad you called, because I have some great ideas for you. Meet me at my office tomorrow afternoon and we’ll get started. I’ll see you there to tell your fortune,” She told me.
“Kamala?” I asked.
“I don’t exactly believe in all of this stuff…”
“You will after tomorrow, just try to keep an open mind,” She said.
The next day, I went to the fortune teller’s office. In front was a big sign that read ‘enter if you dare’. Considering almost everyone thought this place was a joke, I doubt anybody would enter anyways. Before opening the door, I paused to think. Did I really think this was a good idea? Would some quack psychic really make me feel better about losing Anna? Regardless, it was worth a try. I opened the door, the room in front of me was dark. There were a few sparkly lights here and there, but the whole place felt creepy.
“Hello there,” A voice said loudly. I jumped in place.
“Whoa, you startled me,” I shouted.
“Shhh,” The voice said. “This is a peaceful place…”
“What does that even mean? I don’t even know why I’m here,” I sighed.
“I remember your voice. You’re Owen. You need to turn your luck,” The voice said.
“Uh, yes. This is Owen. Who are you?”
“I’m Kamala, your fortune teller.”
That was the moment my life changed. My luck was turned, and my love was found. That day in the darkness of her office, Kamala showed me the powers of the spirits. She also showed me how new found love can outshine all past love. The fortune she gave me, of a future with her, was the one thing I needed.