Write a story that has no obvious protagonist.
Think carefully about how can you create an engaging story that doesn't have one main character.
Someone once said that you may need courage to live with fear by your side but you have to have honor to overcome it. For fear is nothing more than a obstacle that stands in front of progress.
People always start out living with fear always in their minds. Telling them what to do. When to run and when to stay and fight. I used to live in the face of fear because I accepted the fact that I was scared of everything. What people thought, what people did, who people are, and who I could trust. I lived with fear because I had no reason to fight it off when I agreed with it.
Then I found honor. You cannot honor yourself if you don’t learn to stop being afraid of who you’re meant to be. You have to accept that people are going to love you, and others are going to hate and want to hurt you. Learn from the people who point out your flaws and fix them, don’t cower away and try to hind them. Then and only then will you truly be able to overcome fear.