Just like every other time !!!!⚠️TW!!!

All I ever wanted was love. Mama and Papa never really loved eachother only tolerated one another . They only acted friendly in front of grandma. But I think they just wanted different things, cause I have seen real love, Like the way God loves us all and how angelina and Mikey made out in the stairwell of the old cafe. You see I think of love differently than some people some people associate love with money or pleasure but not me no I think love is something you earn and have yo take care of, Love has to be mutual for it to mean anything. You see I want the kind of love where you dance in the rain and walk in the park. Not the foolishness of killing flowers. Dead souls dont show love. I want the kind of love that makes it feel like it is you and him against the world and it always feels like it is just you and him even in a crowded room. I want the kind of love where you splash eachother in the pool and put ice cream on eachothera noses. I want the side-splitting,life changing, end of the world type love. But the sad thing is no one loves a phyco girl like me. A girl with many pink scars up and down her arms and legs, Many people think I did that to myself but i didnt, Those scars are from a boy who said he loved me, A man who assured me he cared, and a girl who said she was my friend.But they were all fifthy liars just like my brother who said that The drinks wouldnt hurt me, That the alcohol woulf make me feel alive, But just like every other time somekne had yo do something, I was drugged, and now people will think I did this to myself just like every other time.

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