Peeta had broken free.

Peeta's heart yearned for freedom, for a life beyond the darkness that consumed him. He had found himself entangled with a group of boys, Nathan, Lewis, and Riley, whose actions were anything but kind. They reveled in mischief and made Peeta a part of their twisted games.

But deep down, Peeta was different. He possessed a sweetness and innocence that clashed with the bad boys' intentions. He longed to break free from their grasp, but fear held him captive, and he felt trapped in a cycle he couldn't escape.

One fateful day, as the other boys taunted an innocent student at their school, Oliver noticed the discomfort etched on Peeta's face. A glimmer of understanding sparked in Oliver's eyes as he tapped gently on Peeta's shoulder.

"Hey, Peeta," Oliver whispered, his voice filled with concern. "Can we talk somewhere else? Somewhere away from all this?"

Peeta hesitated, unsure of what awaited him in this unexpected conversation. But something about Oliver's genuine kindness and empathy compelled him to follow.

They slipped into an empty classroom, the air heavy with anticipation. Peeta's heart raced as he poured out his deepest secrets, his voice trembling with a mix of relief and vulnerability. He shared the truth about Nathan, Lewis, and Riley, the years he had spent trapped in their web of influence. The weight of his silence lifted as he revealed the invisible chains that bound him.

Oliver listened intently, his eyes filled with understanding and compassion. He offered a steady presence, a pillar of support for Peeta in a world that had turned its back. Together, they hatched a plan, a glimmer of hope to break free from the clutches of the bad boys.

Days turned into weeks, and weeks into months. Peeta and Oliver stood united, challenging the toxicity that had consumed their school. They confronted the bad boys, exposing their actions and rallying others to join their cause. The once-unnoticed Peeta became a beacon of courage, inspiring others to find their voices.

And so, as the sun rose on a new day, a dawn of transformation, Peeta and Oliver stepped forward, forever changed. They had found strength in each other, in the power of friendship and the unwavering belief that one person can make a difference.

Peeta had broken free.

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