Craft a monologue from a serial killer rationalizing their compulsion to murder.


An endless cycle of right and wrong, justice and injustice, yes and no, and even life and death. That’s all that living is. In this world you are one or the other. The latter are seen as criminals, villains and scum while the opposite is seen as heroes and those that can do no wrong. But what if right was actually wrong, and justice wasn’t justice but a facade. A way for those “heroes” those “good guys” to feel or even seem trustworthy. They just want you to believe in them more than anything or anyone else. Once you put your faith in something you tend to block out the facts and ignore the logic and reason behind their true motives. You become blinded by your delusional fantasies of who they are. But not me. I can see through their smiles. I too was once like you. I used to believe, I used to trust, I put my faith in someone I didn’t know someone I saw on television. Deception. You’re all being deceived, what I did was real justice! What I did was right! The relief I felt as I watched the life leave every single one of their body’s was real. The dimming of their eyes, their strength growing weaker and weaker; as I rid the world of all that taints it black I begin to feel alive once again. Those monsters! When I close my eyes I can still hear them tormenting me I can feel their eyes on me, their fingers outstretched toward me. They all laugh at me, call me a fool, call ME the monster, I can’t stop until they are all gone. Every last one.

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