


Incorporate these three words naturally into a 400-word story or scene.

Independence Day

The crimson red, vibrant blue, and pearly white fireworks, against the cloudy black sky, a beautiful sight indeed.

A day for independence, always a-glee. With family and friends, the punk in my possession.

The night full of laughter and colors, full of joy and smiles. A night to remember, full of my friends and family’s faces.

A day for Independence, once never there, we appreciate our proud country, loyal brave and true.

A day to expose your joy and pride.

(Umn….don’t take this to heart, I saw fireworks earlier and this popped into my head…since well…it’s July fourth for me, and to be honest, not all of it is joy and glee and whatnot, so yeah. I also didn’t do 400 words)

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