Underestimated 16

We had already gotten through the first book of Narnia and I started asking questions.

“Who are you in love with?”

Everyone was laughing at each answer shouted out, “Peter!”

“No Edmund!”


That got a hard laugh from everyone. Once the laughter died down, everyone went off to do their own things.

“Hey Cora.”

“Hi Kile.”

He propped up on the counter next to me. “Four weeks till you are out of this place. Five for me…”

“Well, Kile, we kind of saved you from that final week that was added…” I looked at him for his reaction. His head whipped toward me, his eyes wide.

“No way.”

“Yes way.”

I wrapped his arms around me thanking me over and over.

“I can’t wait.”

Four weeks fly by and I say goodbye to the people I grew to know.

“I’ll write you all letters. I love you guys.”

Kile and I walked out and Maven picked us up.

“You ready for the wedding?”

I nod. So does Kile.

We get to the venue where our outfits are all set and ready. I go into the women’s room and get my long dress on, and my hair done. When they finish I stand in the mirror, amazed.

All the scars aren’t visible.

The dress makes me look…like me again. I enter the room where we meet and I see Amelia and I stop.

Her dress looked like one of a princess. It had a nice corset at the top and her sleeves were half puffy and the skirt was flowy. It had floral designs and I was in love.

Her red curly hair was put up, half in a bun the rest down. Flowers in her hair like all of us and I whispered, “Amelia…you look beautiful.”

I was the first person in there other than her and she spun towards me.

“Cora!” She gave me a huge hug. And looked me up at down. “You look beautiful too.”

I smiled,

“I love your dress!”

She smiled back very sweetly and thanked me.

“So, how’s Kile???”

I blush

“Maven definitely told you everything didn’t he?”

The rolled her eyes smiling “well duh! Now tell me all about it.”

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