Write a 100-word description of your main character's physical appearance.
Consider which features are most important to mention; which might factor into the story, or change the way the reader, and other characters, interact with your protagonist?
Stella had always been petite. She had been the focus of many jokes amongst her peers for her tiny child-like fingers and stubby legs. Even thought they were mocking her physical size, it always made her feel small inside too. She hated it. But it wasn’t all bad for Stella. She had gorgeous golden hair that hugged around her arms like a soothing blanket, and although her fingers were stunted her nails always stunned - nail art being one of her many talents. She wore an averagely pretty face, but it was elivated magnificently by her intellect and wit, her charm creating a visible glowing aura to her features. She was the type of girl you couldn’t look away from, and you weren’t even really sure why.