Submitted by Celaid Degante


Write about a character leaving something, or someone, they love.

Prompt 3

“… You’re leaving.”

She paused as she went to place another article of clothing into the worn out messenger bag.

Her eyes search the distressed fabric before she looks over her shoulder to see him standing in the doorway.

“We talked about this,” She thought over the statement briefly before voicing it. “I’ll bring unwanted attention, you know that.”

“You talked during that conversation. I listened. I never agreed to any of it.” She heard the click and spin of the spurs on his boots as he took a few steps into the room.

“Doesn’t change anything,” She shakes her head as she continues to pack clothes into the bag. “We both know my name will always be on a poster. The price is too high to be forgotten. Your family doesn’t need that cloud overhead.”

“What my family needs is you here.” His tone hardened.

She didn’t need to look at him to know his fists were probably clenched in an anxious manner, and the set of his shoulders most likely mirrored that fact.

“Your family needs a fresh start.” She bites back, coming to her feet before turning to face him.

“The price on my head is probably as big as the one on yours. You don’t see me running.”

“The agency thinks your dead.” She scoffs, brow knitting as she searched for reason in his expression. His emotional tie to her was controlling his thoughts on the matter.

A response on his end didn’t come. Not immediately at least.

They didn’t fight often, and when they did, they always came to a resolution quickly. On this particular topic however, she felt strongly in her heart neither of them would be happy in a compromise.

“We’ve been facing this since we were kids.” His words came out in a weakened, hushed tone,” Together. That’s why we’ve made it as long as we have.”

“We’ve made it as long as we have on sheer luck, and you know it.” She responds. “You have a chance.” She looks around the freshly built house. “You all do. Don’t let the past - our past - get in the way of your family’s future.”

She knelt back down to where her bag was and hastily continued to pack clothes into it’s compartments.

The reality they were now facing hurt. It tore a rift through her heart, fractured her soul in two. He was as much a part of who she was as she was of him, and the knowing that they had to continue on apart felt like she was leaving a piece of herself behind.

She was reluctant to close the pack, as she knew the what the next step would be.

Sliding the strap over her shoulder, she got to her feet and turned to face her other half; her partner in crime; her best friend.

The crack in his angered expression was becoming apparent as she stopped in front of him, and the strain in his brow began to wash away the deception of his bearing.

“You’re my family too.” He murmured, eyes meeting hers for as long as they could before he looked down towards the floor.

She tried to swallow the feeling of tightness enveloping her throat as she pulled him to her and hugged him tightly.

She breathed in deeply before sighing quickly as she nuzzled her head against his, relishing in the feeling of having him in her arms as much as the feeling of being in his. “I know.”

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