Submitted by by Laura Melvin

"I think I just met the happiest person in the world!"

Write a scene or story which begins with this piece of speech.

What about me?

“I think I just met the happiest person in the world!”

T’s laugh was deep, soaked in honey, and Y didn’t mean to frown, didn’t mean for the jealousy to peek its ugly little head so soon.

They were nothing. They weren’t lovers, weren’t partners, were barely even friends. but T’s words still made Y’s stomach churn and heart palpitate.

T seemed so happy, arm slung around J’s shoulders, and Y couldn’t help the glare, the sudden urge to come between them and shove J to the side.

But T was holding him close, and Y could do nothing but trail behind them like some sort of miserable chaperone.

_happiest person in the world_

Y knew he wasn't exactly the most outgoing, extroverted or even optimistic person, but still--

What about him?

What did T think when they first met?

The thoughts whirled in his head as T and J giggled in front of him, both without a care in the world-- they were perfect for each other.

_I can be like that too!_

Y wanted to yell.

_Just give me a chance, yeah?_

But he still trudged behind, hands in his pocket and a bitter taste in his mouth.

Maybe it was the booze clouding their thoughts, or the high of finding their soulmate, that made T and J suddenly turn to peek at Y before sprinting off.

Y didn't try to follow, paused his steps, and watched them run off with manic laughs.

It was his own fault for introducing them in the first place. He'd hoped J would be a wingman, had told him as much.

But T was his own person, and J was... J.

Selfish but captivating J.

Y couldn't compare.

He was a recluse, opted for hums instead of words, hated stepping out of his home, had to force himself to even invite T out with the excuse of a work hangout.

He was pathetic in the end... pathetic and destined to be alone it seemed.

A sigh and he turned his step, the cold night air biting at his face.

He quickened his step, ignored the burning in his eyes.

T deserved the happiest person in the world.

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