Let’s Go Flee The Country

“Why are you in such a hurry?” Adrien asked me. I had swiftly kissed him hello then proceeded to push past him, making for the kitchen.

“I killed someone.” I said, my voice devoid of any sarcasm.

He narrowed his eyes at me, laughing nervously. “What do you mean you’ve killed someone?”

“I’m dead serious babe. We need to get moving, I’ve packed your bag.” I lifted the lose floor board I had made when we moved in, revealing two backpacks, one of which I threw one at him. I took the other for myself.

“Wha- excuse me? What do you mean you’ve killed someone?!” He caught the bag easily and swung it over his shoulder.

“Shh! You don’t need to alert the whole building!Remember when we took our wedding vows, there was that ‘for better, for worse’ part?” I was now in our bedroom, going for a shoebox stowed at the bottom of our closet. Adrien had followed me in.

“Yes..” he said hesitantly. “But what’s that got to do with this?”

“Where is it?” I muttered. Ah, there. I pulled out the shoebox. “Well, we’re currently in the ‘for worse’ portion.”

“You’ve still yet to explain how you’ve literally killed someone.”

“And you’re rather calm about it.” I stuffed the Canadien cash and our passports into my bag.

“Look, babe. I love you, and that’s why I married you. I trust you, no matter what. So will you please, for the love of god, explain to me why you’ve killed someone and why you’re packing for us to flee the country!” He raised his hands in exasperation.

“Alright, there’s really no easy way for me to tell you this, so I’ll just say it. I’m an assassin, I have been for the past twenty years. I just killed a very high profile individual, so we’re no longer safe here.” I stood, moving in front of him so we where eye level. “I need to leave, so I hope that you’ll come with me.”

He looked into my eyes a few seconds, then sight and kissed me. It was a kiss full of promise and trust. “Of course I’ll come with you.”

“Good.” I smirked.

“So, where are we going, my lovely assassin.” He raised an eyebrow.

I chuckled. “Well, we’re in Vermont, so the border isn’t far from here. I was thinking we could take a lovely trip to Montréal.”

He smirked. “That sounds perfect. Let’s go flee the country.”

Hope you enjoyed this story!! I really just had fun with it, and I hope you did too!!! ❤️

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