A Sunset To Die For Part Two

It’s been almost six months since that horrific evening. Jason stands at the edge of the cliff taking in the sunset. the sky is painted A warm red as the sun lightly shines rays against the water. the breeze slowly begins to pick up, Jason’s eyes are locked on the spot where he last saw her.

“Jason please.” Her voice echos through his ears almost as if she’s still here. Jason takes a deep breathe and smiles.

“Lovely view huh?” a voice says from behind him.

“ oh. Yeah great place to come too. my girlfriend and I use to come here often.”

“And where is she now? “ says the man.

“She died. Tragic accident. Drunk driver” Jason clenches his jaw and spits.

“I am sorry to here about that. I’m sure you didn’t hear about the accident that took place here.”

“No tell me about it.” Jason heart races but his face is cold.

“Poor girl. 25? Or 26? Fell off the edge. Some say she was pushed… on account of her fingers being broken. Seemed like someone was angry.”

Jason kicks a few rocks and watches them tumble down. “Person must’ve been angry, sad that happened to her”

“Yeah well, us hikers thought this spot would be closed off forever. But once they ruled it an accident, we can come back. Just put those signs up to not get too close”

Jason chuckles. “Safety first”

“Exactly. Well I’m Tom. It was nice to meet you”

“Jason. nice to meet you as well. Enjoy the view I better get going”

Jason begins to head down the mountain, and back to his car. on the way down, he can’t help but think of Allison. hearing her body hit every rock on the way down, the way her fingers snapped underneath his feet. As he reaches his car, his phone rings.

“Hey mrs. King. I just finished my hike, I just felt like I needed to be closer to her”

Mrs king sniffles. “ hi Jason, I know Allison would’ve loved to be on your hike with you. She always talked about your night walks together. “

“Did you need something?” Jason says starting up his car.

“I was calling to let you know they are reopening her case.”

“What? I thought it was ruled an accident. I thought it was a cold case”

“Well me and her father just didnt agree with the corners ruling. We just don’t think she’d commit suicide.”

Jason shakes his head puts the car back in park.

“That weekend Jason if you can remember, you said you weren’t with her on her morning hike”

“No I wasn’t. I was sleeping we had been on the boat all day. Allison really wanted to see the sunset so she went without me. when I woke up that’s when I found the note.”

Mrs. King gets quiet.

“You know mrs king, I never thought it would actually happen. I never thought she-“ Jason forces tears to his eyes. Hoping her mother will take the bait.

“I know Jason. She was just so full of life ya know? I was wondering if you’d come with us to review her autopsy? And go to the station? The cops just want to go over your statement.”

Jason throws the car in drive and slams on the gas. “Yeah sure thing mrs king. Can we meet tomorrow? I have some things to handle to day.”

“Sure no problem. Before I let you go the cops are going to look back at Allison’s old apartment to see if they can find anything”

Jason grits his teeth. “Great. Look mrs. King I have to go. thank you so much for calling. Talk to you tomorrow” he hangs up the phone.

his fingers tap on the steering wheel, he can feel the sweat under his arms. Quickly he types in an address.

“Directions to babes house. 2 hours and 10 minutes” the gps speaks loudly. Jason pulls out of the lot and heads to her place. his eyes narrow on the road as his head begins to flood with images. Him and her, her diary entries, her death, all the years together. But most importantly… her diary.

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