"If we get caught, we tell them the truth."

""But we agreed to lie!"

Write a scene where this exchange takes place.

Tell Them, BUT DONT

Listen, if the police ask about the murder tell them, BUT DONT never mind that just lie, we can’t get a life sentence. Just say that we don’t know nothing about the murder. BANG BANG BANG FBI OPEN UP. Oh shit, remember the plan.

Hey sir what seems to be the problem? FBI: we got a report about a murder in downtown Austin

Do you know about that? Us: h- u- uhhhh n- n- no officer we don’t hehehe. FBI: you seem really suspicious, we’re taking yall in. Us: RUN BITCH RUN!! FBI: HEY HEY GET BACK HERE, GET THEM! Us: WHAT DO WE DO I- I- I DONT KNOW JUST RUN. Okay we’ll just chill here for a min. Really, in a dumpster. Yeaaaaa we’re safe here!

FBI: THEY WENT SOMEWHERE OVER HERE! HEY IN HERE!! Us: welp, it was a good run.

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