He Found Me

After the nightmare day I had at work, seeing that my front door is slightly open just makes for the cherry on a crappy sundae. Most people would be alarmed to see this display and immediately call the authorities. I’m not most people. Plus this isn’t my first rodeo. I know exactly who’s inside my house right now. My only question: how did he find me ?

It’s no surprise that he’d be the one to come find me. I thought I could stay hidden just as well if not better than he can. It took him a few decades but he finally found me. I give him a lot of credit, he never gave up looking for me. Although I never wanted to be found, I’m sort of relieved it’s over. I no longer have to keep looking over my shoulders. I think maybe it’s time to face him. I have to confront him sooner or later.

I walk up the dark cracked cobblestone steps and hesitate before opening the door any more than it already is. I’m about to face the man that made me what I am today, a blood thirsty vampire.

I walk through the door and come face to face with him.

“Hi dad.”

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