As the only person in your town without a magical ability, you're constantly having to find ways to convince people that you do, for fear of them finding out.


It was midnight, again. One more hour, and I’ll go to bed. I dimmed my laptop screen a bit more. Maybe I should get some sleep, actually. Fine... half an hour then I’m off. “Nathan, wake up! I’m going to make breakfast.” My mum yelled. Wait, what? Already? Did I really stay up all night again? “Coming,” I shouted back, trying to sound like I’d just woken up. I still had my clothes on from yesterday, so I had to stumble around trying to put my new uniform. I went downstairs to see my brother Michael toasting bread with his fire powers. “Ready for Year 7, Nathan?” My dad asked. “Yep,” I said. This was the day that I ‘find out’ my powers, but I already knew I had none. Almost 100% of people get a mark at birth to symbolise their power - which I didn’t - and most kids find it out before they turn 10. I was 12. Going into a new school, but I had a plan. I was never late to school. Harry had super speed and he took me and Mike each day, and it never seemed to get boring. I didn’t have any friends. While everyone else went around asking each others’ powers, nobody asked me. Which helped, until tutor time. We had to go up to the front and say our name, power, and level, which is basically just a score out of ten for how good we are at our powers. You can pick your number, but anything above five has to be verified. The register first - Bramble is my surname. But hopefully there will be people before me. Joseph Adams. David Arnold. Fran Bass. Frederick Botts. And then me. I’d kind of worked out over time that kids lose interest after the first few, then pick it back up near the end, unless some said they were level ten or something. “Hi... I’m Nathan Bramble. I have super intelligence and I am level two.” I said. Great, nobody cared! I don’t even think the teacher was listening. Now I just had to keep up with my A level work at night and nobody would suspect a thing!
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