'The memories of longing reached for her under a cloudless sky'

Use the line provided to write a poem in any style. You could use this as a theme, include the line in the poem, or work around the idea throughout.

Flood Of Emotions

The memories of the flood reached for me today under a cloudless sky My soul remains The rain gently fell the woodlands my soul was nourished The torrent of water replaced soft steady rain My soul was frightened The homes lost and the roads impassable My soul was breaking Lives were lost My soul lay grieving the damage so devastating My soul was churning The chinook was loud and my dog panicked My soul was empty My friends opened thier home My soul was uncertain No route in or out My soul was trapped The love of my life was reconstructing My soul was separated The bottles cried out for me My soul was weakened Reunited again My soul was grounded The resilience of my people My soul was hopeful I remain and thrive My soul is still bleeding…… Under a cloudless sky I remain in my forest With art and rhythm My is soul is healing.
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