Inspired by Bri loves apples

Your 'emotions' are people living inside your body, who react to the situations you experience to ultimately decide how you feel about things.

Write a story where these 'emotions' are reacting to something you are experiencing. You could write it like a dialogue, or as a narrative of what they're doing to decide which emotion you feel.

Here She Goes

I’m gunna pop!!!, I can feel it it’s about to happen, anger is pacing up and down steam is rising, no your not are you? Your not tell me your not whispers anxiety starting to melt away don’t say that... ahhhh it’s a nightmare were never going to survive this, anxiety is circling the pitch black area,

Let’s all calm down, there is always a way to deal with something your all just being ridiculous! Will you stop so I can make a game plan and get us out of here?? Common sense scratches his head holding onto a notebook and scribbling down words crossing them out again, blank... I have... nothing

Desperation is busy running around with anxiety trying to stop fear from running out the room and anger is boiling over onto anxiety who is melting at a tremendous rate...

Right... says logic loudly everyone be quiet I have a plan but the plan won’t work with you all behaving this way.

Let’s start at the beginning... logic begins reciting to the room the events leading up to this madness, who started this?

Happiness smiles waving her hands , that would be me she walks over to logic and sits down. “Katie was happy she was walking to work and we were having a great time, she met her friend, who’s lovely” happiness beams remembering the event fondly, then out popped, paranoia stirring up things as usual she exclaims rolling her eyes.

Logic turns around to look at paranoia who’s in the corner rocking back and forth, “well paranoia? What happened next?”

Paranoia moves forward holding his arms and looking around, “I erm saw somebody... and I alerted fear to come and help me as he was nearby”

So you pipped up because you saw somebody?!? Questions logic holding his head in his hands, “ you seriously pressed the help button because you saw somebody?”

“Of course you saw somebody it was the middle of the day! Agitation snaps at paranoia, what do you expect!

“It was a scary looking person, I’m sorry, am I getting fired for this? Who else knows?” Says paranoia getting flustered

Just carry on says logic ignoring the bickering around him waiting to get to the bottom of what has happened.

“Every alarm is going right now we need to figure out how to settle this down”

Right so after you paranoia you called fear, then what?

Well I just sat there and waited I didn’t really know if I was needed yet, but then anxiety cane and told me to press my button instantly and so I did, the person was coming close to katie, I had to alert her and then anxiety messed up nudging me and I pressed angers button...

I didn’t mean to anxiety says melting and crying I’m so sorry fear, I couldn’t think straight my anxiety was spinning around and my blanket was missing”

Where is your blanket anxiety? Asks kindness “I will get it for you”

Kindness goes off to get anxiety a blanket and the rest of the room starts to slow down slightly... that’s better calmness breathing deeply.

“ so anxiety nudged my button so I spun around to look at the screen and saw this man about to grab katie’s shoulder, so I got her to turn and punch him hard!”

Oh no, cries regret this is my part, so whilst these lot are kicking off I set in realising we just punched the boss in the face for tapping Katie’s shoulder and then fear and anxiety popped up again, causing the teacher to start shouting at katie, then the teacher said something to katie’s friend and anger got involved... and well here we are.

Logic writes down everything he’s hearing scribbling faster and faster... the room is silent now apart from a few sobs and cries..

So what emotion Is being used now if you lot are here? Logic asks confused

“Just remorse he’s in the corner writing a letter of apology to head office, to send to katie to give to her teacher, but also kindness stayed around to tell katie that it was a accident and she shouldn’t blame herself too much...”

So we’re back to normal, systems are restored?

Systems restored sir

Logic smiles puts down his pen and turns off the screen goodnight katie, goodnight everyone see you in the morning!

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