Write about an argument that occurs during a King’s feast.

Whether you write this as a fantasy world, a past era, or a hint at a real-life scene, what directions could you take this scenario in?

Chancellor Removal

“Welcome everyone! Thanks for coming to My Birthday party! Please help yourself to some ale or some hors d'oeuvres...” the king said slowly enjoying the feel of the word as he said it slowly.

“Um, thank you that it all!”

The band quickly resumed there upbeat recoder and lute tune, simultaneously the crowd with there chatteing and clanging of dishes. The king began to eat a large roast turkey leg and talking and laughing to the people sitting next to him with food in his mouth.

“Doooodoooo doodoo!” The pages trumpet sounded.


The king dropped his drumstick and began clapping and waving the head knight to come towards him.”

The knight walked over in full armor and the king leaned towards the knights ear.

“Do tell me good sir knight. Um... did you take care of our little warlock killing me today prophecy problemo.” The king said quickly.

The knight held up a large decapitated orc head with his left hand.

“Woooooooow! The king yelled toward the skies.

“Hey everyone that wiley dog the warlock is freaking dead!!!”

The crowd claps politely. The knight shifted nervously and gestured for the king to listen to his whisper. The King struggled to get down from the table.

“This Warlock was actually a decoy the real warlock is actually...” the knight whispered.

“What are you two talking about.” A small red headed old man wearing a clock blacker than the abyss covered in skulls whispered. The knight jumped backward looking scared.

“AHHH chancelor you should hear this the good knight was just telling me how, the warlock they defeated was actually an Imposter Isn’t that ridiculous.”

“Indeed that is quite an absurd account” the chancellor said while giving the knight an evil glance with his chin up.”

“Welllll... well.... ummmm..” the knight lifts his face gaurd. His eyes are wide open as he stares at the king. He blinks his eyes slowly and shifts his eyes and body toward the chancellor who is in between them.”

“Are you well sir knight you seem quite sickly that battle must have been quite traumatic.” The chancellor says putting the back of his palm to the knights forehead.

“This reminds me it is time to take your immortality potion my leige” he says facing the king.”

The chancellor walked slowly to the corner and opens a large skull shaped cabinet. A evil green puff of smoke comes out of the cabinet and the chancelor takes a vile of glowing green liquid and poors it into a champagne flute. He puts it on a silver tray and slowly walks back over to the king.

The king grabs it.

“King I really don’t think you should drink that I think the chancellor might be the real Warlock.”

“Hahahaha” the king hardly chuckled.

“Sir knight, you must have been bonked a little to hard on the noggin.” The king wipes away a tear. “This is obviously my daily Immortality pOtion silly. He quickly downs the vile of green liquid.


“My apology, king”

“My apology Chan-“

The knight looks over the kings shoulder and sees the chancelor holding a Wavy res dagger towards the back of the kings head.

“Look out King !” The knight yells as he tackles the king out of the way of the chancellor and knocks down the kings table and the room goes silent.

“What is your problem mr. knight! That is my present opening knife, I’ve had enough of this Malarky, if you embarrass me just one more time then you will have to go and leave the party.”

“Surely sir I would never try to...” the knight started saying.

“Eh eh eh.. promise me you won’t do it again.” The kings said calmly .

“I want do it again.” Said the good knight

“...Thank you” responded the king

“Tis time for your cake sir” proclaimed the page.

A large cake was rolled in on a cart lead by a human donkey hybrid beast.

From the corner of his eye the knight could see that the chancellor was chanting in tongues and manifesting tongues of fire above the cake. The knight thought that this must have been part of the celebration and let it be.


The chancellor burst into flame

“WHATTTT” the Knight screeched in confusion.

“Let me explain!” The king shouted!

“I am not the true kingly heir to this kinglyLinly land you see. THAT, was the chancellor which Is why I covered him in Gasoline earlier

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