You are stuck in a room with a psychopath who wants to kill you. You have 5 minutes to convince them otherwise.

Write a short speech to convince this desolate individual to spare your life.

Psycho Friend

“I wish I could say I was lying.” Allie said clutching the edge of the chair, “I expected this from you Molly.” Allie stared deeply. “H-how did you know.” Molly took off the mask revealing a confused girl. “Well we’ve been friends for years. Until you ditched me.” Allies voice stiffened. “I did not.” Mollys voice raised as she ran closer, “You have the wrong input!” Molly raised her voice. “I was there! I had my own input!” Allie rustled in her chair. “Well the clocks ticking.” Molly pointed to a clock hanging on the wall. Allie froze.

“Molly please. I swear I didn’t do anything wrong.” Allie said quivering. Molly smiled, “Listen, it wasn’t me who betrayed you.” Molly let out a sigh. “It was Emma, I guess you can say she well…lied to me.” Mollys face saddened as the clock ticked on. “Wait. Molly, I’m sorry I judged but. Who’s Emma?” Molly was a great girl but she was not the ideal person to solve a mystery. “Girl. Blonde. Ring any bells?” Allie remembered Emma, “Molly I’m sorry and if you can forgive me we can take down Emma.” Allies face focused on the clock. “Okay.” Molly smiled as she and Allie walked towards Emma Mayhew’s house. To take her down.

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