by Owen Vangioni @ Unsplash

Write a poem of story that could be titled 'I'm upside down'.

I’m Upside Down

Staring in your eyes is my favorite dimension My favorite part of being alive

No matter the season

If I could, I would

Would be your favorite dimension

Our hearts should

Should be open season

Season of our hearts to hunt down each other

If you’re up right

Then I’m upside down

Upside down of course

In your mirror dimension

Were all I see is you

Were that lie is true

No matter the season

If I’m wrong I don’t care if you’re right

As long as you are on my right

Were the mirror dimension is a reflection Reflections of light

Light of the night

So please, don’t leave my dimension

Before the reflection reflects the sun

And wakes me up in the middle of the night

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