Broken Promises

I collapse to my knees. A sob catches in my throat.

“You promised me you wouldn’t leave!” I cry out, my voice quivering.

“You told me no matter what you’d always be with me! But you lied! YOU LEFT ME!” I wail.

I tilt my head down to look at his body. My tears fall on his face.

“LIER!” I scream, pounding my fist against his chest.

I open my fist and put my palm on his chest. I place my cheek on the stab wound.

“Why’d you have to leave me,” I whisper, reaching out and holding his limp hand.

I hear sirens wail behind me but I stay put, closing my eyes.

Foot steps echo behind me. Voices swim all around me but I can’t make out what they’re saying.

Suddenly hands grab mine and I’m pulled away from him.

“NO! DON’T TAKE ME AWAY FROM HIM!” I yell, thrashing around.

They grab my hands and pull them behind my back.

“You’re under arrest ma’am, anything you say can and will be used against you,” One of the police men bark.

They place cuffs on my hands, the metal cool against my skin. They walk me towards the police car.

I turn around to get one last glance at him. Tears falling down my face as he fades away.

As they shove me in the car I hear the clang of metal against the ground.

I dropped my knife.

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