Careful what you wish for

While walking through the town of zébra, i stumbled upon a old man in a rugged cloak he said to me “I can give you the world if you wish.” Puzzled i asked “what do you mean?” He explained “i will give you a powerful entity. A mighty god has called upon me to do so. But there is a price to pay.” The offer sounded far fetched but intriguing, i stood there for a moment collecting my thoughts. The man said “you have great power within you, i can help you master it.” I asked “how do you know for sure?” The man pointed to the sky and smiled. “Come with me, let me show you, please.” I followed the man into what looked like a over grown greenhouse. He said “open your mind and see the unknown.” He placed both his hands upon my shoulders and instantly i saw things i didnt even know existed, things i couldnt comprehend, flashing colors, the milky way, everything seemed unreal, indescribable, borderline insane. It seemed to never end. I thought i was going to die. The man could feel my anxiety and my mind overloading he took his hands off my shoulders and immediately i was back. But i didnt feel back. My mind was flooded with information and i was drowning in it. I took a deep breath and said “wow, what the hell was that?” He motioned for me to have a seat on a little bean bag i hadnt even noticed earlier. I tried to relax, slow my mind, he brought me a cup of water and insisted i drank it. He sat down and pulled a sparkling blue diamond ring from the pocket of his cloak. “I knew you’d be coming, and i knew id find you.” Still confused i ask “who are you? Why do you want me? Who am i? And what is that?” He laughed “rest your mind its late.” He motioned for me to follow him as he took me into another room which had a little bed and a lamp. For some reason i listened to him. I layed down and realized i was still in the greenhouse. Above me was a beautiful blanket of stars and a bright gleaming moon. It was so relaxing i couldnt help but give in and fall asleep.

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