Submitted by Celaid Degante
Write about a character leaving something, or someone, they love.
I Hope You Do Well
The way your eyes darken; lifeless, Empty. The quiet noise from outside your room. The heart monitor beeping, the flowers laying all around the room with notes attached wishing you would get better. The smell isn’t brights, only sorrows and pain. Your health is descending rapidly, your eyes are the only thing that shines with empathy and hope trying to boost my hopes but I know that you know that you won't it has token over your body leaving you stuck on the bed waiting for either blood, kidney, liver, now a heart. After finding out I'm a perfect match I haven't been able to tell you you won't be happy with my decision but you hun. you deserve to live with the people who loves and care for you. The surgery is tomorrow you'll get better the doctor said that this could be your last and final surgery. I'll look after you like how your mom did. I'll finally see the love of my life but you my darling. Your my everything too.
The baby picture of you years before the crash that toke the life your mom nearly you. Now finding out I on save you I'll do everything for you to live a normal teenage life. I hope you take good care of my heart that is full of love hope you share it with other that needs love too. But make sure you sore some for your self.
This well be the last time I get to hold your soft, young, fragile hands; cold. I hope I can see you in another life time with you as my daughter but young and happy with nothing to care about. The surgery is about to happen, there about to do the walkof honor for me to you. I've been waiting for these The pain you won't have to suffer being in that bed. But only the pain without your parents. I made sure your boyfriend family will take good care of you. He’s a good man.
Its surgery time, the day were you get your life back from the man that crashed into you. I love ya bug.