Write a romantic poem about the sun, moon, or stars.

Features of the night sky often appear as 'characters' in poetry about nature and romance. How will you use them to create your poem?

the meet cute of the sun and the moon

“i never was an early riser”

the moon proclaimed.

when things get too bright,

i hide till the night

when my friends can see me

in all of my might.

“i never was a night owl”

the sun exclaimed.

when things get too dark,

i hide till i can reembark

when the morning starts

and i can boast my spark.

“opposites attract”

the gods acclaimed.

on the one night a year,

when two worlds aflame.

the sun and the moon come together,

side by side, like husband and bride, no need to hide.

“the lunar eclipse”, they cried.

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