the whole nine months (hp4)

(have some fluff 🎉💖💘💗💕)

~Month One~

“Bobbi? Have you seen my cheese puffs? I put them up here just so Leo couldn’t find them-“ Lizzy stops short as she takes in the expression on Bobbi’s face: guilty, guilty, guilty. “BOBBI. Did you EAT my CHEESE PUFFS.”

“Mmmmaybe…? Look I was really hungry and they were the only thing that sounded good and I’ll buy you more please don’t be mad at meeeee,” Bobbi whines.

Lizzy shakes her head, sighing. “You better get me more ASAP, Bobs. I wanted those.”

Bobbi nods. “Okay. Sorry Lizzy.”

“It’s all good.”

~Month Two~

The baby’s heartbeat is a soft thu-thud over the ultrasound room’s speakers, and Bobbi can’t stop herself from gasping, feeling tears well in her eyes.


He doesn’t say anything right away, just reaches over to take her hand. When he speaks, his voice is rough. “I know, sweetheart. That’s our baby.”

The yokai nurse kindly steps out of the room to give the happy couple a moment alone with the sound of their baby’s heart.

~Month Three~

*Footage on a shaky, low quality camera. Bobbi is swaying, alone in her room, eyes closed and hands folded over her slightly rounded stomach. Soft singing is barely audible.*

*”If you ever find yourself stuck in the middle of the sea,”*

*”I'll sail the world to find you.”*

*”If you ever find yourself lost in the dark and you can't see,”*

*”I'll be the light to guide you.”*

*The song trails off as she moves out of frame, but just before she disappears, the person holding the camera sighs wistfully. It sounds suspiciously like Chell.*

~Month Four~

Bobbi: “So… I’m pregnant.”

Leo: “YOU WHAT?!?!”

Donnie, nudging Chell and whispering furiously: “Did you know about this??”

Chell: *smug nod* "Briar's gonna be thrilled."

Splinter, tearing up: “…I am so happy for you, Raphael and Roberta.”

Lizzy and Bell: *high fiving in celebration*

Mikey: “Oh, I am SO happy for you guys!!”

*Group hug*

~Month Five~

“Okay, taking bets: Boy or girl?”

Mikey hmms. “I get girl vibes.”

Leo grins impishly. “Wanna bet, little brother?”

“You lost last time, babes,” Lizzy calls over her shoulder. “You can’t afford another twenty bucks.”

Leo pouts, knowing she’s right.

“I think girl,” Bell says, fingers covered in pink paint. “Briar gets a girl cousin to play with.”

Raph enters the room, holding a tiny envelope made smaller by the sheer size of his hands. He waves it around, grinning. “How much you wanna bet on that, Bell?”

“Fifty dollars,” she says without hesitation.

“Dammit,” Raph mutters, tugging the small paper out of the envelope and glancing at it. His face somehow manages to fall and look extremely proud at the exact same time, and he passes the paper to Bobbi, who gasps and smiles.

“Better pay her then, Red,” Bobbi teases, and Bell’s head snaps up.

Silently, she holds her hand out, and Raph passes over the fifty.

~Month Six~

She’s mid-laundry basket when she feels it: a tiny tap on the inside of her stomach.

“Kiddo?” She’s not sure why she speaks aloud to a child that cannot hear her well enough to respond yet, but she does it anyway.

“Hey, baby girl,” she whispers, smiling softly and resting a hand on her round stomach.

She doesn’t see her husband peeking around the corner, grinning widely at her.

“Whatchu doin’, huh? Sayin’ hi? Just checking on me the way I check on you? That’s fair.”

Another tiny jolt.

“Mhmm, I feel you, sweetheart. Let Mama finish up her laundry, okay? You can check up on me again later.”

One last thump, softer now.

“Alright. Grow big, baby girl,” Bobbi says, then resumes her folding.

Raph ducks back around the corner and tries very hard not to cry.

~Month Seven~

Raph and Bobbi are in bed, snoozing, one of Raph's hands resting on Bobbi's stomach. Raph starts to snore, and startles awake when he feels a tap against his palm.

"Huhwha-" His eyes widen when there's another kick, and he seems to realize what's happening. "Oh... Hey, baby," he whispers with a smile. "Was I snoring?"

Kick, kick.

"Sorry, baby girl. Didn't realize you could hear me. Your Pops is a little tired today, hadda fight a whole buncha Foot Clan leftovers with Cass. It was CRAZY, you know. They weren't great fighters but there were a whole bunch of 'em. See, it started when..."

Bobbi keeps her eyes closed, but she can't stop the smile on her face from growing wider as she listens to her husband regale their baby with story after story.

~Month Eight~

"Oof. I miss being able to walk more than 10 feet at a time without getting winded," Bobbi groans as she plops down on a bench in the Hidden City.

Chell flashes her a sympathetic smile. "You're carrying a whole other person in there, and it's Raph's spawn at that. You were never going to have a good time of it," she laughs.

Bobbi leans back, dramatically draping her hand across her face. "Alas, I should have known that creating another being with a man of his stature would cause me such distress. Pray for me, sister, for I fear I shall not survive such a large child emerging from such a small place," she says, trying to keep a straight face and failing hilariously.

Both the sisters break down into giggles, and every time they look at each other, it starts a fresh torrent of laughter.

When Donnie comes back with a sleeping Briar in his arms, he gives the two of them a strange look, and they start laughing AGAIN.

It takes them a full half hour to calm down and get home.

~Month Nine~

Her water breaks in the middle of lunch in her cozy bed, and she is more than slightly annoyed by it.

“Oh for the love of- RAPH. I could use some help in here, big guy,” she shouts, wincing as a contraction much stronger than the small ones she’d been experiencing all day hits.

“Be right there, sweetheart,” he yells back. “One sec, alright.”

“We don’t HAVE one sec, RAPH.”

“Whaddaya mean, we don’t have one sec? I’m BUSY, Bobbi!”


Commotion down the hall, then thudding as Raph bursts through the door and literally breaks it off its hinges.



“Okay, okay!”

(1072 words. pray for my search history 🙏 wrote most of this while watching bayverse 1 lmao)

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