Back from the Sewers ©2019 JRCoffronIII

Write a story based on this re-imagining of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles

Code 143 : Chp. 2

A collab with [Howl] Bay :3


Donnie sat at the edge of a building, waiting for Saki.

Usually he was the one who was late, never her, and it brought him a sense of discomfort.

“Why hello.” A cheerful voice said from behind him.

Donnie whipped his head around to see Ko, though of course he didn’t know that was her name.

The soft shell shuddered slightly, finding the fact that there was a tanuki just like Saki, similar looks and all. Maybe this new one was a shapeshifter, or a witch.

Maybe something had happened to Saki, and this tanuki took her place. Donnie began to think hard, worrying slightly for Saki.

The tanuki grinned, stepping closer, finding his skeptical looks funny. “You sure are a hard thinker, Purple.”

“Who are you?” Donnie growled, standing up and taking a defensive pose.

“Oh why that doesn’t matter right now, silly!” Ko giggled, taking another step closer so he was on the very edge of the building. “What matters is that you get in the portal.”

Donnie looked down, and a glowing white portal opened up behind him, floating in mid air. His gaze shifted between Ko and the portal, afraid of what she was about to do.

Ko snickered and pushed him off the building. He fell for a second, before being sucked into the portal. He was too scared to scream, all he did was close his eyes and brace himself.

Ko pulled out a tablet, typing something in it. “Target one acquired. Let’s hope my sisters can do a good of job as me.”

With that, the young tanuki opened up a portal herself, and leaped through, disappearing in a heartbeat, as if she and Donnie were never there.


The afternoon sun beat down on Mikey’s shell as he leaned on a pole, waiting for Ko to arrive.

He knew she would come eventually, right? She couldn’t forget, could she?

Mikey began to pace back and forth, hoping that Ko would arrive sooner or later.

“Hello there, hon.” A bold voice purred from the alley. Mikey raised a brow, spinning around to see another tanuki girl, Kaede, leaning against the brick wall of the alley, a smirk on her face.

“What in the— you’re not Ko!” Mikey growled, backing up. Kaede laughed, shaking her head. “Yup, Ko’s not here right now.”

Mikey sighed, unsure of whether Kaede was a threat or a friend. “Do you know where she is? I need to find her-“

“Oh yes. She’s right through this portal.” Kaede laughed, trying to seem friendly. “Step right through and you’ll see her.” Kaede spun her sword, and a portal opened infront of her.

“How do I know you’re telling the truth?” Mikey whispered, looking unsure of the tanuki.

Kaede flicked her tail in annoyance, walking behind him and placing a paw on his shell, and without him knowing it, grabbing his nunchucks and hiding them in here purse. “Trust the process, hon.” She whispered, smiling slyly.

Mikey nodded slightly, stepping closer to the portal. “Alright. But if this is some trap, my brothers will find me! I know it.” He threatened, looking through the hazy portal.

“Sure they will hon. Now have fun~” Kaede snickered, and pushed him in the portal, waiting for the sound of the thump of his body hitting the other side before quickly closing it.

“That little turtle is way too trusting. He should know better, being a ninja and all. But nevertheless, Target Two has been captured. Now it’s up to Tomio and Saki to get the rest. And I know my little Leo is stubborn, he’ll put up a fight.” Kaede mumbled to herself, before opening up another portal and stepping through it, snickering softly.


Leo stood by the entrance to the manhole, his arms crossed as he looked around for Kaede.

“She’s probably hiding, waiting to sneak attack me or something.” Leo mumbled to himself, walking around.

“Why hello…” a soft voice whispered from the shadows. Leo blinked, rubbing his eyes. “Huh..?” He mumbled, and then a look of shock crossed his face when a young tanuki girl, Tomio, stepped out.

Tomio circled around him, her tail swaying side to side as she opened up a portal a few feet away from them. “So, we can do this the easy way, where you get in the portal with no hesitation, or we do this the hard way, where I _make_ you get in.” She growled, a small smile on her face.

Leo took a fighting stance, pulling his swords out. “I’m not following you anywhere.” He said, a low growl in his voice.

Tomio groaned, “alright then.” She pulled out two daggers, holding them out. Leo charged at her, swinging his swords at her. She swiftly dodges, and leaps over him, her daggers grazing his shoulder.

Leo winces slightly, a small amount of blood coming to the surface. This time Tomio swings her daggers, and he just barely misses, but falls flat on his shell.

Tomio places her foot on his plastron, pressing down ever so slightly. “I won!” She teased, her voice soft. “That means you’re coming with me.”

She picks helps him up, and then forces him into the portal, a huge grin plastered on her face.

“Target three acquired. Now it’s up to Saki to get my precious Raph.” She mutters to herself, typing on her tablet as she opens up another portal and steps in.


Saki crouches in the shadows, watching Raph sit solemnly on the edge of the building. He was much bigger than her, so she brought a sack to bag him.

She knew she wouldn’t be able to just simply push him into the portal, so instead she would sneak attack.

Raph swung his legs against the side of the building, looking bored. “When will Tomio be here…” he muttered, tiredness creeping in. The stars were now out and shining, and the sleepy sound cars humming on the street below filled the city.

Raph began snapping in and out of sleepiness, and when he was dozed off, Saki leaped forward, wrapping the bag around his head.

“What in the-!!” Raph growled, struggling about and almost falling off of the building. “Now, now, big fella.” Saki whispered, slowly moving him toward the portal she had just made.

“Tomio?” Raph asked, his voice muffled and almost inaudible beneath the bag. “Nope.” Saki shook her head, inching him closer to the portal.

“Who are you then?” He hissed, beginning to thrash more. Saki chuckled softly, “That doesn’t concern you, big guy.”

Raph growled, “get this bag off of me!!” Saki didn’t listen, and with all the strength she could find, pushed him into the portal, and waiting until she saw him thump down on the other side to close it.

Saki looked down at her paws, whipping out her tablet and typing in that she had gotten target four. “Big red is strong.” She muttered, scratching her head. “He’ll make a great warrior for our leader…”


EEE I’m so happy to have done this collab with [Howl] Bay 🕷️!

Part one of ‘Code 143’ is on here page, so go read that if you’re looking for context behind this! :D

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