Write a story that centres around a superstition.
For example, your story could revolve around the number thirteen, associated with bad luck in western cultures but good luck in some eastern cultures. Or you can make up your own superstitions.
Black Cats
I’ve never believed in crossing the path of a black cat would curse you. But I’ve also never walked across the path of a black cat. Until today… I walked across the path of a black cat and after that my life started going down hill. I couldn’t drink from a water fountain without it spitting water at a face pace at my face, or get cereal from the highest shelf without them spilling, walk through doors without tripping over that annoying part, or even be on my phone without it over heating.
As I got up to do my hair I noticed gum was in it, I had been chewing gum before bed but I swear I spit it out. I got it out of my hair and walked into the kitchen- the cereal was on the top shelf again. I grabbed the broom and started poking it and then it toppled over, cereal spilt all over the floor, “Caty!” My mom groaned, “Sorry mom.” I sighed, “Clean it up.” She said to me, “Yes ma’am.” I said back, after that was done I got on the bus and the only seat left was the ripped one, I sighed as I sat down in the seat. At school my desk was covered in pencil markings. I normally doodle on the desk but I never carved into it, after class I tried to get a sip from the water fountain but it just high speed and high pressure. I was soaked. I groaned really loudly, as the bell rang too. “Stop right there.” I heard a voice, it was the most annoying voice ever, Angelica Ray, “Ok.” I said as she came up to me, “Your getting a tardy now.” She said with a chuckle, “I know.” I said with sarcasm, and I went to class. As soon as I got my tardy I sat down in my desk and realized, all these bad things that happened to me where because of the choices I made. Superstitions aren’t real, I had just made bad choices and chewed gum without spiting my gum out, I pushed the cereal box over with the broom, I carved into the desk unconsciously, I was late to the bus so of course it was filled up and no one wanted to sit in the ripped seat, and I used the broken water fountain, which made me late to class.