Just A Rock.
I had a rock once.
I had a very, very small rock once at that.
Once, that rock was white.
Once, that rock was so pearly and shiny.
Once, that rock belonged to me.
And once, I cried for that rock.
I named it Bob.
I really liked that rock.
Bob and I would go on car rides once.
He and I would play until the golden sun’s rays set.
I found Bob at the beach.
Before we left I wanted to put him down, but I really didnt want to.
He would be sad if I left him.
Like a boy playing a girls heart just to leave in the end.
I didnt want that rock to be sad.
I took Bon home that night, putting him in the sink and washing off sand.
It’s been ten years now.
I’m nineteen.
I found Bob in the attic, collecting dust.
I should have left Bob at the beach, considering I couldnt take care of my poor rock like I promised to my ten year old self that one beach day.
I picked up Bob.
I went to the beach.
That same beach.
That same home for Bob.
I still didnt want to let go of my rock.
My bob.
My bobby.
He was mine.
But he wasnt.
Eyes closed I threw him into the water.
At once I grew angry and regretful.
But at once I also grew relieved.
Bob was home.
My bobby.