The Abandoned Heart

In a quiet town, where memories stay,

A young heart grieves in a solemn way.

An uncle lost, a father in kind,

His absence a shadow, in the wanderer’s mind.

In the days of youth, they walked hand in hand,

Life’s lessons shared, together they'd stand.

But fate took him early, the light grew dim,

Leaving a heart to struggle, to swim.

Memories linger, sweet and sour,

A bond once strong, now a wilting flower.

Abandonment felt, like a cold, hard stone,

In a world once warm, now so alone.

Misunderstood by those near and dear,

Their love felt distant, shadows of fear.

Why the detachment, why the divide?

Questions unanswered, emotions collide.

Wanderer’s heart, guarded and cold,

Walls built high, stories untold.

Others reached out, with hands and care,

But the pain of loss, too much to bear.

Inwardly, the struggle, a silent fight,

Seeking reasons in the endless night.

Why the closeness felt like a lie,

When the heart yearned for the sky?

Perhaps the love, though genuine and true,

Could not replace the one they knew.

A father figure, lost to time,

Left a wound, deep and prime.

Yet in the struggle, a glimmer of light,

Understanding grows, in the quiet night.

The heart can heal, though scars remain,

In the love of others, we find our gain.

To let them in, to feel their grace,

Is a journey, a steady pace.

For in the bonds we choose to mend,

We find the strength to love again.

In memory’s garden, where roses grow,

The uncle’s love continues to flow.

Guiding, watching, from above,

Encouraging a heart to embrace love.

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