Farewell, Old Friend

I wish I had never let go

Because I really miss you, bro

Remember when we were kids?

And we would watch those YouTube vids

On a Saturday afternoon at home

When our parents left us all alone

And eating snacks until we could burst

I never imagined that the worst

Would happen when you got accepted

Into college while I was debt’d

If only I had studied harder

Then maybe, maybe I’d be smarter

And more qualified to be your friend

But now things must come to an end

Because you’re leaving in the summer

And that is such an awful bummer

All these dreams we had together

Swept away up in the weather

14 years of friendship ceded

A bond that just can’t be repeated

And even though you’ll visit often

I know that I’ll be feeling rotten

And lonely, down, and miserable

I wish I’d never let you go

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