The Blank Space

Then it begins

The blank space

With nothing

No friend problems

No family problems

A place where

Nobody is telling me

I look bad

Or do bad things

A place where

Comments don’t tear me down

They build me up

A place where

Nobody tries to hurt me

A place where I’m enough

Where I can be upset

Or happy

And say curse words

And not be told

All the time

I need to stop

Being myself

A place where

Everyone waits for me

And cares about me

A place where

Nobody gets hurt

Or hurts me

A place where

Phones aren’t a thing

And everyone talks to each other

And where I don’t feel


For once in my life

And I don’t feel

Like everyone hates me

In the blank space

I don’t hate myself

I don’t hate anything

And I don’t worry about people

Being annoyed at me

Which people always are

I don’t feel like

The high maintenance person

Everyone tells me I am

Or do I just tell myself that?

When my parents fight

And yell at each other

I leave for a minute

A calming minute

Before I tell my siblings

“Everything will be okay”

When I know it might not be

The blank space

Is calming

A place I go to

If times are tough

When I want to leave

I go there instead

Inside my head

In the blank space

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