Submitted by Petit-Mythe
Describe someone walking through a field. Something important happened there - try not to reveal it until the very end.
Last Summer
The pastures behind the barn,
Where the ground is too wild to farm
Stands grasses taller than me
They stretch farther than I can see
Last summer was wild
Like the weeds in that field
Parties after parties
There was sex, drinks, and pills
In the barn before the field
Peer pressure ruled with fear
Innocence was lost
In preparation for freshman year
I lost something on that day
Not in tthe barn hut in the field
Away from the music
And the drunken night’s thrills
That day I lost my dignity
My self and self esteem
I lost my view of the world
And how I saw me
In the shadow of the grasses
Where no one could see
He forced himself on me
And claimed my virginity