
In an attempt to get ahead crime, the government and law makers got very out of control. It started out to protect it’s citizens but ended up doing the opposite.

As the cost of living became out of control in the cities, more and more people began living together. Privacy was a thing of the past.

More jails were built to house the growing criminals using the situation to their advantage.

Even minor offenses saw jail time.

The police started by scanning our messages to each other whether written or spoken. Then we were implanted with tracing devices. If you were in the wrong place at the wrong time then they arrested you first and asked questions later.

The cities where full of lawyers and biggest companies had to do with criminal justice in one way or another.

Then if that wasn’t bad enough the Dream Police started. The tracing devices were also dream recorders. Alarms and whistles went off if you dreamed anything against the law. You were arrested and your dreams were given to you while you were locked up so not to commit anymore offenses.

Then one day it all stopped. We became free again. It had all been a nightmare in a nightmare. We breathed a sign of relief and hibernated through winter.

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